amanda purrier outside in front of trees

I believe in families working together, for each other.

I’m Amanda Purrier, school counselor with a Master of Education in Counseling and Development with a concentration in School Counseling. I’ve worked in middle schools as a counselor for six years and in education for 11 years.

I’m certified in Mental Health First Aid and my studies are trauma-informed. 

But that’s not why I’m here. I’m a Certified Professional Life Coach because I know how much we all need the support of a loving, caring support system that we can rely on. It takes a true ally and sounding board to improve your life.

You deserve that.

As I work in the trenches with adolescents each day, I see the huge gap in understanding between young people and their parents.  It’s no wonder — life has only gotten harder for our kids. They’re stressed out, overwhelmed, and confused.

That means it’s gotten harder for you, too. But you don’t have to go through it alone.

What does a life coach do?

I believe in coaching.

As your coach, I lead a conversation dedicated solely to your growth. I’ll challenge you with thought provoking questions, give you the undivided attention you deserve, and provide the accountability that promotes growth. Your concerns, unexplored ideas, and uncovered solutions are all waiting to be revealed through coaching.

You can achieve the most when you feel supported, held accountable, and encouraged by a relatable, open ally.

Let’s change your life.

Parenting an adolescent isn’t easy.

The help you’ve been looking for is here.

Let’s get started.

Lost? Struggling? Fill out this brief form and we’ll be in touch shortly about your free 15-minute exploration session.