You give and you give.
Give back to yourself, too.

Moms, Mothers, & Mommas. I see you.

You give so much to those around you. You’re a mother. You’re also a spouse. A chef. Chauffeur. Comforter. Disciplinarian. Teacher. Spiritual leader. Confidante. Babysitter. Caregiver. Scheduler. Party planner. Interior Designer. Nurse. And on top of that, you might hold a full-time job.

You do it all. You pour your time and efforts into others and give until your cup runs dry. But you can’t pour from an empty cup. Fill your cup by empowering yourself. Rediscovering your why and how. What are your hopes, desires, and dreams? Better yet, how can we get you on your path to accomplishing what you want. You matter, too.

This is a coaching package specifically for you, fellow Mom.

What makes this package unique from my other packages? This is the only package that can be gifted to a friend or fellow mom. The sessions in this package can be used within 3 months and scheduled as needed based on your very busy schedule, as your kids throw you curveballs, and you navigate the twist and turns of everyday. Let’s change your life over your Saturday morning coffee.

Five 50-Minute Sessions | $500

“I can tell that I am truly being listened to and heard every time I speak with Amanda. She understands where I am coming from as a mother: what my needs, wants, and struggles are. She fully addresses them and acknowledges them in a way that is helpful for me.”

~Samantha, Mother of 2