Here’s what people are saying about
Amanda Purrier

A.B., Adolescent Client

Amanda helped me with some problems I was having. She is easier to talk to than a lot of adults and made me laugh when I got stuck in my head. She didn’t judge my thoughts and helped me figure out how to deal with school.

Samantha, Adult Client

I can tell that I am truly being listened to and heard every time I speak with Amanda. She understands where I am coming from as a mother: what my needs, wants, and struggles are. She fully addresses them and acknowledges them in a way that is helpful for me.

Anna, College Student

Amanda was born to help others. Her unwavering compassion and understanding makes me feel less alone, and completely free of judgement. She is a safe space for me.

Allyssa, Adult Client

Amanda was amazing to work with. She asks the questions that make you go, "Hmmm..." which allows you take ownership of your thoughts and reflections as you go down the figurative path. She listens intently and provides a friendly and welcoming environment to open up.

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