Are you trying your best for your child?

I’ll go ahead and answer that question for you (though my goal is to always help you come to your own answers):

Yes. You are doing your best.

My go-to sentiment while coaching a parent is by Sue Atkins, “There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one.”

Let’s be honest with ourselves: we arrive as parents with a ton of baggage. We were raised by imperfect parents. As adults, we are working jobs (sometimes two or three), maintaining a home, shopping for groceries, trying to remember Hallmark holidays, caring for our own aging parents, attempting to meet our own needs in the few minutes we get to ourselves… all while raising a young person.

The common thread I see that runs through the parents I work with is that they are putting forth the effort, yet hold themselves to a very high standard. They often feel they aren’t doing enough for their kids because their child is unhappy, not making A’s and B’s, or is acting out. These parents carry a burden.

Release whatever that burden is now.

Just like the weather, parenting comes in seasons. Some parents thrive with the babies and toddlers, while others savor cheering on their kids in high school sports. Maybe you’re in your favorite season of parenting, or maybe that season is just around the corner. In the off-seasons, just show up for your kids. That truly is what matters.

This post is for the moms, the dads, the guardians, the caregivers, the aunts and uncles, the people who stepped up to support a kiddo: yes, you’re doing your best.

And that truly is enough.

If you’re needing support as a parent, don’t hesitate to reach out. You’ve got this.


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